Taking Good Care of Long Hair

You’ve finally grown your hair beautifully long and its taken a lot of effort! Now to keep it long and lustrous!

By the time your hair has reached the shoulders it has already survived for 3 years – that’s pretty impressive! Therefore longer hair needs and deserves more attention, the lengths of the hair become more prone to damage the further down we look. If you notice your ends becoming split then the only answer is to cut before they get out of hand ! Despite what some products may offer a split end cannot be repaired.
Long hair needs to be treated as special with extra love, care and affection to make sure that it sticks around !
  • A simple wash is not enough! Hair must be conditioned once a week and a moisturising or strengthening treatment mask used once per week whether as an in salon treatment or at home.
  • Comb hair before washing because this will lead to less tangles during shampooing – as combing the hair when wet causes the most damage.
  • Never tie your wet hair up! Wet hair is especially sensitive & prone to breakage. Even a cloth scrunchy will cause damage. Plus loose hair dries faster!
  • Dab your hair dry with the towel, never rub as this roughens the cuticle and causes frizz. Press with a towel from the scalp down the lengths of the hair squeezing firmly at the ends.
  • Metal hair clips and slides are a definite no ever! Overuse will leave you with those annoying little short hairs from hair becoming brittle and breaking! If you must use a clip use the gentle cloth covered variety.
  • Wear your hair down wherever you can & try to let is air dry as often as possible too. Leaving hair loose and natural is best for the condition.
  • If you use a hair dryer then use the cold settings wherever possible, if heated styling is a must then use heat protective spray & keep a distance of at least 6 inches between your hair and the nozzle.
  • Use a boar hair brush – or one with natural bristles! This creates the best shine & volume in lovely long hair!
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